Last Thursday, my friend T and me went for a quick shopping trip to one of my favorite cities, Maastricht. I said quick, because the one big reason why we went is for the Prijzencircus V&D has every now and then. Prijzencircus, that's right. I'm not even going to try and make a *¨% of myself trying to translate that word in English! For Sephora, it basically means you get to choose 3 random products and pay 10 euros for it. I got some stuff for me and my mom, normal price was 107 euros, and I paid 30. Now that's a steal! I forgot the face primer on the picture, woops. We also stopped at Lush (ofcourse..) and at MAC, because I'm running out of the brush cleanser I love so much.
I also got to choose some items as a birthday gift from my friend, so sweet! Jup, it has been my birthday. Boo, I hate growing older (or growing up?). Anyway, something I have been super exited about is a gig I went to the night before my birthday. I saw The Kills live at Trix Antwerp, it was amaaaaazing. O, and I got this super cool shirt. And I'm making a dumb face in the picture, but I don't really care. Duckfaaace.

Tomorrow I'm going on a school trip to Cologne. I'm also planning on doing some shopping if we get the time off for it. Even though it's not that far from home, I'm really exited to be going there again. They have Dunkin' Donuts! Ö nomnom.
Until next time!
Michelle xo
Until next time!
Michelle xo